15mar08 ED11 Köln-Airport Möbel
Do27B-1 (HF+201) 27 278 AF Köln (D) pres
This Do27 hull is located on the first floor of this large ‘Ikea look-a-like’ furniture shop. It is certainly not visible from outside.
This picture was taken with my Samsung G600 telephone!
15mar08 EDDK Köln-Wahn
P-149D (AS+473) 322 AF Köln-Wahn (D) pres
A310-304 10+21 498 AF FBS BMVg act
DHC-5D (1170) SU-BFJ 119 AF 2 Sqn act
An-124-100 UR-82007 19530501005 AF Antonov OKB civil
Long on my wish list was the red Piaggio with the fire department. I was told it was not visible from outside, but as I am stubborn and saw some opportunities on Google Earth I thought I would give it a go. The Alte Kölner Strasse runs parallel to runway 14/32. As soon as you see some aircraft through the bushes park your car at 50°52’39.14”N 7°08’33.88Ë. Walk to the fence, look for parking stand F18 (visible on a large sign) and try not to get blinded by the bright red plane which is the Piaggio. I know there were some changes to the W&R situation on base but had not make a record of it. So I did not see the G91 at the gate and the F-104 which should be near there.
15mar08 ED12 Köln-Mudra kaserne
Alpha Jet A (41+29) 0129 AF Köln-Mudra (D) pres
Whilst checking Google Earth I had some doubts if this Alpha Jet would be visible from outside. It is not visible from the main gate. You have to go a bit more to the east till the fence of the adjacent building (BDK Bücherdienst GMBH). You can clearly see the aircraft from the intake to its tail. On the tail is an unknown badge. White with the German iron cross in he upper left corner, the bottom part is red with two black (church?) towers.
15mar08 ED13 Zülpich
MiG-23ML 20+31 0390324031 AF Züpich (D) pres
15mar08 ET54 Düren-Gürzenich
F-104F 29+14 483-5066 AF Düren (D) pres
My second visit in a years time to this location, the first time I could not find it. I only came home to notice that I had already seen it ten years earlier… Sloppy bookkeeping, well at least now I also have a picture.
15mar08 ED14 Kerpen
F-104F 29+19 483-5073 AF Kerpen (D) pres