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it's what you get when 2 herc's mate. A baby hercules.Brian wrote:well.. maybe a stupid question.. but what is this ??
(to be ontopic.. there is a herky in the background )
ps. to my opinion it's a very bad photoshoped something (i don't know what to call it)
did not made this myself.
This is the Royal Air Force Hercules W.2 of the RAE Farnborough and it was used for Weather Research. They put a lot of measurement instruments in the long boom at the nose and the original radar went on top of the cockpit.Peter Terlouw, can you tell me more about the red/white nose Flipper Herc. It looks a bit like the Fokker F27 Flipper, in use in the 60's when the F-104's where build at Fokker Schiphol. They used it for testing the F-104 systems. I was working than as ,,vliegtuigelectricien,, and made some panels and cable systems
(met die ellendige glasvezel mantel) for de F-104. After that we made the mid-wing piece of the Brequet-Atlantique.
By the way, does anybody know what happened with that F-27 Flipper and are there any pictures ?
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