Dedicated forum to share your older or thematic photos with the rest of the community.
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This is the forum to share your older or theme-based aviation photos, under the same conditions as the parent forum. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post.
In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.).
Oke it's not that high but i will show you this one taken a few minutes ago above my house.
The quality can be better due to my camera.( only 4x optical zoom)
At FL35 B-18211 China Airlines
Canon 1000D 18-55 en Canon 55-250/IS en Samsung WB500. Ik zeg zomaar,... pak wat je kan pakken want anders is het weg!!!!!!... Als je het niet wil pakken , dan pak ik het wel.... moet je wel zeggen waar?????....
Today Tomcatje visit me in my backyard and we make some SkyHigh photos.
The result you can see below:
Antonov 124
Lufthansa 744
Perhaps more will follow later.
Michel en Jeroen
Canon 1000D 18-55 en Canon 55-250/IS en Samsung WB500. Ik zeg zomaar,... pak wat je kan pakken want anders is het weg!!!!!!... Als je het niet wil pakken , dan pak ik het wel.... moet je wel zeggen waar?????....
For 100% sure this is a Lufthansa 744.
Second one i don't know yet.
Canon 1000D 18-55 en Canon 55-250/IS en Samsung WB500. Ik zeg zomaar,... pak wat je kan pakken want anders is het weg!!!!!!... Als je het niet wil pakken , dan pak ik het wel.... moet je wel zeggen waar?????....
the third smaller contrail is clearly a running APU in the tail of the a/c, probably one of the generators was unserviceable an thus they use the apu as source for a second generator..
and nustyR, there's no such thing as chem trails.....
I have absolutely no idea what this is and I was too late grabbing my camera so only a picture from behind from far away.
This a/c is overflying Beek (between Doetinchem and Didam) heading north/northeast.
And these F-16's were overflying the Daun wildparc in the Eifel (Germany) heading for Spangdahlem Air Base on 30 april 2008 at 14.07h LT.
The first one is an F-16DJ, probably 90-0843/SP, as Niels Hoogenboom, Hans v. Lierop, Mike Schoenmaker read off many F-16's this day with only one F-16DJ flying.
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Maybe you guys know which F-16CJ was landing with this F-16DJ??
It was carrying quite some stuff under the wings as can be seen.