Ex Czech and Polish MiG's

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Ex Czech and Polish MiG's

Post by Jutter »

I have found the former Czech and Polish MiG's which have been seen for the last time in 't Zand 13km south of Den helder.
I was cycling around and noticed a forward fuselage. After nearby inspection it seem to be former polish MiG 6510 (red) (nose+cockpit). On the other side of the farm in the backyard there was the former Czech 0210. Wings were standing aside.
After a short talk with the owner I heard that they are for sale.

If you want to have a look:
Belkemerweg 109
Sint Maartensvlotbrug
1753 Zijpe
This road goes parralel between the N9 and the dunes.
18km South of Den helder
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Post by Wildpicture »

Did you ask what they cost? :lol:
patrick dirksen
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Post by patrick dirksen »

The Polish nose is new to me! Was it a single seater or a double seater? According to the Scramble database no less than 3 MiG-21's carried the serial 6510: an UM, an MF and a PFM. The last one is preserved in Lodz, so i guess it's one of the other two.

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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De Verrekieker
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Post by De Verrekieker »

Patrick! The cockpit of the 6510 is a Mig21PFM. Spotted it at Lutjewinkel in march 2007. The owner told me he has another complete Polish one stored in a barn in Den Oever and he was planning to bring over another Czech Mig21. So time will tell.
Greetz Elvin Cornelissen.
patrick dirksen
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Post by patrick dirksen »

OK, thanks! Will go and get them one day ;-)

Patrick Dirksen
Tristar Aviation
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