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More info on this at the airshowforum ILA topic, about page 55-60Thijs wrote:NoAnd how about using a radio scanner in Germany? Is it legal there?
That's really bad...Thijs wrote:No
I have heard about a penalty of some hundreds of euro's and going to court. But i have to say the German law about using scanners is not that quite clear. You may have certain frequencies in your scanner but some also not. (police and things like that). I do not want to take the risk but it is up to you.What could be the possible consequences of having a radio or listening to it?" onclick=";return false;Sinds 1992 is er in Duitsland praktisch geen beperking meer voor wat het frequentiebereik betreft van communicatie-ontvangers, waaronder scanners.
Enige voorwaarde is dat het apparaat is gemachtigd voor Duitsland. Een van de volgende tekens moet er dan op staan: CE-teken, BZT-teken of het BMPT-teken.
BOS-communicatie (politie, ambulance, brandweer, e.d.) mag alleen worden ontvangen door personen met een BOS-machtiging. Wie toch per ongeluk BOS-communicatie ontvangt mag de inhoud van die gesprekken niet aan derden doorgeven.
Wordt U aangetroffen met niet toegestane frequenties in het geheugen, dan bent U in principe strafbaar.
Een scanner zonder batterijen in de koffer is niet gebruiksklaar en kan zonder problemen op doorreis worden meegenomen.
Wie deze regels van de FAG en StGB overtreed en zonder toestemming luistert naar BOS-communicatie, maakt zich strafbaar en loopt het gevaar met geld of gevangenis beboet te worden.
The last years there were checks carried out at the entrance by security. Please take notice it's not only at airshows, but to have scanners that are ready to operate in Germany can be enough to spend some days (or more) in jail, just depends on the officer's mood that catch you. I would strongly recommend to leave the thing at home. This is what I read in a magazine about communication in the latter half of the 90's. I also remember warnings at the military news section of this forum about scanners that were impounded at Ramstein.Hermolaus wrote:Thanks for helping me!
That's really bad...Thijs wrote:No
And is there a chance anyone would "catch" me while listening? The Police or something?
And is there any controle while entering the airshow?
What could be the possible consequences of having a radio or listening to it?
Better late than never, as they say... But I confirm.Carl wrote:ILA tower 121.05
In fact there were. But it wasn't that strict and I managed to pass it somehow.aviodromefriend wrote:The last years there were checks carried out at the entrance by security. wrote: Spanish Patrulla Águila
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