LGRD Maritsa Rhodos (military)

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LGRD Maritsa Rhodos (military)

Post by Hopla »

Last week I went to Rhodos for a non spotting holliday. We had a good view on Maritsa airbase which as far as I can see only shows one helo. As we where in a hotel very close to Maritsa I can tell you that they fly not often. They used freq 118.100 but all communication was done in Greek. I heard several times puma so the callsigns used where Puma I think.

I took the picture from Filerimos. You drive into Trianta and then turn direction Filerimos. You drive up hill to the big cross which is a tourist attraction. From here you have a great overview over Maritsa.

What helo do I see on the picture? I am not a military spotter.


Our hotel was located under the final approach of Rhodos International airport Diagoras. Everymorning around 10h00 a hercules came in and departed one hour later, I have seen one with a big image of a lady on the tail. Some times a C-27J was used. At days civil traffic was slow we saw more military traffic ad Diagoras. I have seen gulfstream Embrear 145 and herculess seen making many approaches. But again all communication is in Greek. Tower freq: 118.200. Approach 127.250.

Not sure if Rhodos also houses a shooting range. I have seen 3 F-16's seen flying in a hard right hand turn over a mountain like axalp. This was un expected and a great experience. A day later when we where on a boat at the see I heard some hard explosions

This picture did i make from our appartment.

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Post by Flanker27 »

Nice overview shots and the according story and explanation of how to get to...

The chopper on your first pic is probably a SAR Super Puma operated by the Coast Guard as they are more often spotted there.
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Re: LGRD Maritsa Rhodos (military)

Post by SquAdmin »

Hopla wrote:What helo do I see on the picture? I am not a military spotter.
Looks like a Puma to me...

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Post by Brian »

it's a cougar i think.. (hell.. what's in a name ;)) saw one at crete 2 years a go..
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Post by S&B extra »

Super Puma AS332C1 384 MED
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Post by Hopla »

I also think it is a Puma. I also saw flying a helo like a Huey, at least the motor sound was like a heuy. I think it was white (Maybe grey) and black but again this is not my area in aviation. It had communication with Matitsa. What could this have been?

I also did some research on the web but I cannot find any info on what should be based on Maritsa.

Do not take pictures close to the base. Two girls sitting in an other appartment made pictures of each other without knowing to be close to the base. (Was not visible from their view point) They where visited immediatly by militar people. They did not make the picture yet.
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