Seen at Lucko:
220 MI-171sh
222 MI-171sh
224 MI-171sh
225 MI-171sh
226 MI-171sh
H-254 MI-8MTV
seen at Velika Goriza
002 003 004 008 010 011 UTVA 75 + 3 more
890 AT-802
H-304 MI-24V
9A-BOF An-2R
9A-BOG An-2R
877 CL-415T
9A-ISC Do-28
H-202 Mi-8MTV-1
H-251 Mi-8MTV-1
2x Mig-21 without serial
I only noted the aircraft in front of the (closed) hangars. The AT-802 was taking off and landing every 5 minutes.
Both MiGs looked airworthy, but I can't tell for sure if they really are.
At Velika Goriza, I spotted these aircraft from farmland, some 200 meters from the base. After that, I found out it was much easier to drive along the fence, and read everything again. There was a lot of personnel in and outside Velika, because of the testflying which was going on there. But fortunately, nobody was interested in me taking notes....
At Lucko, spotting is also very easy. You just have to find the Studeni 1 and Studeni 2 road, which are near the aeroclub, and from there just read all the Mi`s which are parked outside. I was seen by some security on base, but they didn't do anything.
According the Scramble mil. database (H-) 220 was the first.... (f/n december 2007)
Photoproof of both H-220 & H-221 at URL: ... il-Mi-17-1(Sh" onclick=";return false;)/1304729/L/&width=1024&height=768&sok=&photo_nr=4&prev_id=1304730&next_id=NEXTID
(link doesn't work... please copy the whole line into your browser!)