Sigma 120-400mm Ca F/4.5-5.6 OS HSM (Optical Stabilizer)

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Sigma 120-400mm Ca F/4.5-5.6 OS HSM (Optical Stabilizer)

Post by Vinz »


Vroeg me af of er al iemand is die ervaring heeft opgedaan met de
Sigma 120-400mm Ca F/4.5-5.6 OS HSM (Optical Stabilizer) - Canon (EF / EF-S) een gloednieuw objectief van Sigma wat net op de markt is.

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Post by streep »

For an optical producer who already offers a 150-500mm with OS, its seems useless to introduce a 120-400mm OS, with exactly the same values. If I'd be buying, judging from the data on the Sigma website, I'd pay 100 Euro extra and go for the 150-500.
But have not seen any results of the new lens yet.

For dutch readers,
Knijnenburg has it "on order" for 675 Euro.

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Arthur Bijster
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Post by Arthur Bijster »

I've got this lens for a month now and I have take pictures at the Openday at Leeuwarden en the Tigermeet at Landivisiau. Untill now I'm satisfite with this lens and in combination with the Canon 40D it works good. You can find pics that I've taken with this combination here ... tter/2008/" onclick=";return false; .

Greetz Arthur
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Post by Vinz »


Does it have an internal focus like the Canon 70-200EF?
What is your experience regarding the weight of the lens and the speed of focussing?

Perhaps you could get me some sample images straight from the camera?

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Post by Vinz »

streep wrote:For an optical producer who already offers a 150-500mm with OS, its seems useless to introduce a 120-400mm OS, with exactly the same values. If I'd be buying, judging from the data on the Sigma website, I'd pay 100 Euro extra and go for the 150-500.
But have not seen any results of the new lens yet.

Even stronger, Sigma decided to bring these lenses ( 120-400 and 150-500) together at the same time on the market!

From a personal point of view I prefer the 120-400 next to my other body with a 28-135 mm IS lens. So I have an overlap from 120 to 135 mm instead of a gap from 135 to still follow me...;-)

Ofcourse it's not a Canon 100-400 but prices compared...
and offcourse the Sigma has a zoom which has to be turned iso the so called vacuumcleaner effect on the Canon 100-400 lnes....

So still every comment or experience is welcome to me as I still have to decide whether it'll be a Canon vs a Sigma.

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Post by Arthur Bijster »

Hoi Vinz,

Ik ga even door in het nederlands, praat even wat makkelijker. Ik heb wat foto's via de e-mail naar je gestuurd rechtstreeks van de camera. Ik moest zelf erg wennen aan de complete combi, omdat ik sinds een maand ben over gestapt op digitaal. Ik heb de Sigma ook aangeschaft i.v.m. de prijs, de Canon 100-400 viel buiten het besteedbare budget en de Sigma leek mij een goed alternatief.
Ik hoop dat ik je wat geholpen heb met de foto's.

Op de Sigma site vind je meer info over deze lens, zie ... php?pid=71" onclick=";return false;

Succes verder,

Groet Arthur
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Post by Vinz »

Hi Arthur

Bedankt voor je mail met foto's, zal ze strx ff bekijken.
Heb je geen problemen gehad met je autofocus icm de 40D. Daar heb ik in een Engels of Australisch forum wat over gelezen.

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Post by Arthur Bijster »

Ik heb geen probleen gehad voor zover, maar heb jij de website waar je dat heb gelezen. Ben wel nieuwsgierig.

Groet Arthur
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Post by Redskin »

Vinz wrote:Hi Arthur

Bedankt voor je mail met foto's, zal ze strx ff bekijken.
Heb je geen problemen gehad met je autofocus icm de 40D. Daar heb ik in een Engels of Australisch forum wat over gelezen.

vinz" onclick=";return false;
het af probleem komt als ik me niet vergis alleen voor met de eerste serie van de sigma lens (of een oudere firmware van de 40D).
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Post by Vinz » ... mm_lenses/" onclick=";return false;

Sigma Press Release

Notice to Canon 40D owners using Sigma’s APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM or APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM for Canon fitting


When the Canon 40D digital SLR is in AI Servo AF mode, and the APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM for Canon or APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM for Canon lenses are attached to the camera with the OS function switched ON, the number of continuous frames per second will decrease.

To overcome this, we will start supplying a free-upgrade service to our customers from today.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused to our customers.

List of lenses requiring update for 40D camera
APO 120-400mm F4.5-5.6 DG OS HSM for Canon Serial Number lower than 1011001
APO 150-500mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM for Canon Serial Number lower than 1007001

Except above numbers, their firmware has already been updated.

For further information, please contact your nearest authorized Sigma Service Station." onclick=";return false;

Published: Thursday, May 29, 2008
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