Logically the airport is closed and the Mayor of Madrid is present.
According to eyewitnesses the left engine started to burn during takeoff.
(don't know if this was an effect of the skid or if it happened before during rotation or otherwise).
Several international newspapers reporting 27 injured and way over 100 has not survived the crash
Let's wait and hope for the best as far as we can say that...
Regards, Mike
Flown on: A312/A319/A320/A321/A332/A388/B732/B733/B734/B73G/B738/B752/B763/B743/M83/RJ85/RJ1H/F70/F100/MD11/E110/CNC/PA28
Madrid Services confirmed a story about a second attempt.
The aircraft tried to take off the first time but experienced a RTO, went back to the apron for inspections. At the second trie, eyewitnesses say the aircraft lifted off or rotated, then fell on one of its wings, breaking in 2 parts and caught fire..
According to Nu.nl: Een bron bij de reddingsdienst zei dat slechts 25 van de 173 inzittenden de vliegramp hebben overleefd.
A simple calculation if these figures are correct from that source.... it means 148 people were killed @ this crash!!! Unbelievable but true.
My well meant condolances to all the families involved who have lost today a loved one.