Here's my take on the LPG Twilight gig, I went for the black and white look on most of the pictures, get a bit of nostalgia in there. Had an enjoyable day & evening, met a few guys from the UKAR website and one or two others along the way.
I learnt a lot about night photography, had an envious look at other people's tripods (camera tripods that is!) as I only had a light monopod with me for support. My existing tripod isn't exactly Ryanair friendly so I definitely must go shopping for one. Balance and breathing control combined with taking lots and lots of pictures produced the shots shown below.
All feedback is appreciated, I had a bit of a mess around with Photoshop on a few of the pictures in case you're wondering.
The photo report can be found here

Blurry I know, the aircraft was moving and I was hand holding the camera but I still like the picture

Wishful thinking...