A bit dissapointing evening at the homeplate as far as the amount of traffic is concerned. Only two AH-64's took off. 'Bat72' and shortly thereafter followed by 'Bat73', which only flew one circuit and came in again. Wx too bad for him and his student. 'Bat73' was first in the Q-25 but even before take off stepped over to spare Q-23, who was seated by 'Redskin12'. They had to step out because Bat had, even for a short circuit, priority. Q-25 never flew...
First one with 400mm + 1.4 extender
Make no mistake. With the bare eye you only know an aircraft is standing there because of a tiny red light flashing. On photo it looks better
Finally the X'mas lights are back out of the cubboard.
And as it is with X'mas, you hear bells. The sweet noise of bells was not very common the last years at Gils. But they are back, pretty much to disgust of the local motorvehicle owners because these are attached to the traffic light at the Langebergse.
The second wave, 'Bat71' and 'Bat74' were heared on the skenner but they as well, never took off. Old times, it seemed 298Sqn and 300Sqn never moved to Gils anyhow.