Dedicated forum to share your older or thematic photos with the rest of the community.
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This is the forum to share your older or theme-based aviation photos, under the same conditions as the parent forum. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post.
In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.).
I think the F-16's do have them. If you look closely you see a contrail behind the lower F-16. Think because of the crop you can't see the contrails of the other F-16's.
Mad Viper wrote:I think the F-16's do have them. If you look closely you see a contrail behind the lower F-16. Think because of the crop you can't see the contrails of the other F-16's.
looks indeed if there's one beginning behind the lowest F-16, but still, why is the contrail so different from the KC and the F-4's? Maybe it has something to do with efficiency or burn temp from the (newer) F-16 engine?? The F-4 and KC trails start at roughly the same distance from the a/c..
I think you found the answer yourself Polecat. My guess would be that the exhaust temperature of the newer F-16 engine is higher (probably has to do with efficiency) en thus it takes longer to cool down to the condesation point en there for the contrail appears further behind the F-16´s.
I always say a boy can learn more at an airport than at any school.
- Homer J Simpson -