Schiphol after cancelled RIAT

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Schiphol after cancelled RIAT

Post by Andras »

Had to make use of a Canon 300 mm 2.8 IS lens which I had for that weekend in the UK (you know, the cancelled RIAT, God what fun we had!! :fist: ) So, i took my 7 month old son and a friend and shot some pics at Schiphol. Sun was up, and burning. Feel free to comment !

1. Off to some cheap Veronica guide travel advertisement "€19, 8 day All-Inclusive plus all taxes"

2. Same as the first only.. its in Russia.

3. Little crop from a KLM 744

4. Blue skies..

5. My favorite country... Need to go there in October, Texas plus an Airshow Woowoo!

6. 1/200 shot, could have tried a lower setting.. This one is also cropped a little..

7. Clean one.. going for Morroco

8. Fokker 100, also going from right to left.

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Re: Schiphol after cancelled RIAT

Post by dj_ad »

Nice shots....I like nr 3 very much
Sun was up, and burning
Here completely overcast, not likely to break open, just a little sun at 4 p.m so
I decided to stay home....wrong decission :( :( if this are pictures from today" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Schiphol after cancelled RIAT

Post by Andras »

Well, the RIAT was cancelled on 12 and 13 july, so this is the 14th of July. Sorry, should have placed the date in the subject line... :oops:

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Re: Schiphol after cancelled RIAT

Post by Key »

Non-photo reactions here...
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