Even with clear skies the FU50 can hardly be seen. She is parked on a small field between trees, just behind an old WW2 German hangar (if she's still at the same location), my suggestion would be to seek for an opportunity during the TLP spotters day later this year as during these events at EBFS it is rather easy to go there and see her up close and personalpatrick dirksen wrote:Nope, that's the real one!
No luck with the other one unfortunately, way too hazy (same for the FU50 that should be visible according to Piet (?) behind the TLP-platform unfortunately).
Bye,Stratotanker wrote: Log for 26-01-2009,
FA-110 t/g F-16A "Bigspencer 06"?
c/s was Bigben06 (testflight c/s)
4372 * TornadoIDS JBG33
Did abort take-off and went back to ramp. Later on this one made some engine runs on other runway.
95/XH TBM700 "Reccon 33"?
c/s Fagan33
5036 a/d C160 "GAF 962"
TLP c/s was Iglu51 but aborted tlp mission
R94/61-ZL C160 "Iglu 50"
Arr and dep c/s was Cotam002(?)
greetings Stratotanker
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