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This is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum.
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Oops, thanks for pointing that out guys. Any ideas about it's ID?
Just an educated guess...
It's standing next to Mystère-4 "8-NK" and I've got that one at Weelde (as 191/8-NK). Also at Weelde was SMB2 145/12-NR.
EMOOS says about Weelde that both went to Vissenaken.
When you look there it says:
191/8-NK Mystère-IVa, c/n 191 (stored, ex Weelde, also reported as 142)
145 Super Mystère B2, c/n 145 (stored, ex Weelde, also reported as 91)
Looking back at old files from the Scramble BBS "vraagbaak" area (From 1997), there were some discussions about
the above 2, and more aircraft. (Some people that were involved in the comprehensive search were Hans v/d V., Eddy W., and the late Dimitri S. So all credits go also to these men).
Some outcomes from that discussions & research:
The Super-Mystère B2 has definitely the old code 12-Z(S)R (very vaguely.) The code is partly visible on the above placed photo. this one is the 145/12-ZR ex EC-3/12 (Also 10-SR, ex EC-1/10, hence the S partly visible in the code, French Military Aviation 1979,from Paul A. Jackson concurs with that.)
ex Bourges storage, ex Savigny les Beaune storage, ex Koksijde storage, later to Vissenaken for storage)
As for the different serials given in the past....everything has to do with the tailswopping by monsigneur Pont from Savigny in the famous "deer" storage area.
The Mystère-4A has clearly (Also on the above photo) the code 8-NK. The code of this Mystère had not changed for a long time when it was at Koksijde in 1991.
this one is the 178/8-NK ex ET-2/8 (French Military Aviation 1979,from Paul A. Jackson concurs with that.)
ex Cazaux Firing Ranges, ex Savigny les Beaune storage, ex Koksijde storage, later to Vissenaken for storage)
As for the different serials given in the past....The same as for the above. everything has to do with the tailswopping by monsigneur Pont from Savigny in the famous "deer" storage area.
Throughout the years some serious tail-, nose- & fuselage swopping has be done during
Last edited by Jan Hendriksen on 19 Sep 2015, 00:09, edited 1 time in total.