Okay... thanx Hans for your clear explanation. I will have a look what I did (wrong) as the images out of my Nikon D3 are almost noise-free at iso 200 so the pics don't actually need ' heavy' noise-reduction. As I am still learning I really appreciate your input... I will try to process the pics in Apple Aperture 2 and/or Adobe Photoshop CS4 and see how Nik Software Dfine + Sharpener Pro is working in combibation with these two programs. The reason I put the pics quickly on the web is to let people know - if they already didn't know - how it was during WK 2009 in Meiringen and give them some motivation to go there next weekHans Rolink wrote:I don't use Capture NX, but do use Nikon gear and process my images with Photoshop CS3 and Neat Image Pro. When I cranck up the de-noising with Neat Image, I get similar results, hence my question.

thanx again Jeroen