Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

Hans Rolink wrote:I don't use Capture NX, but do use Nikon gear and process my images with Photoshop CS3 and Neat Image Pro. When I cranck up the de-noising with Neat Image, I get similar results, hence my question.
Okay... thanx Hans for your clear explanation. I will have a look what I did (wrong) as the images out of my Nikon D3 are almost noise-free at iso 200 so the pics don't actually need ' heavy' noise-reduction. As I am still learning I really appreciate your input... I will try to process the pics in Apple Aperture 2 and/or Adobe Photoshop CS4 and see how Nik Software Dfine + Sharpener Pro is working in combibation with these two programs. The reason I put the pics quickly on the web is to let people know - if they already didn't know - how it was during WK 2009 in Meiringen and give them some motivation to go there next week :-)

thanx again Jeroen
photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

one more... J-5235 FA-18D FlSt. 11

photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
Hans Rolink
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by Hans Rolink »

jeroenow wrote:one more... J-5235 FA-18D FlSt. 11
Well done! :good: That's what I mean.
Did you do this with Photoshop or Capture NX?

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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by Hans Rolink »

Something went wrong here, mod please help...
My message was intended to be only once above here, but appears three times, twice incl. pic. I can't remove, because the "X" does not show. Please delete the first two replies to Jeroen's post.

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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

Hans Rolink wrote:Did you do this with Photoshop or Capture NX?
Capture NX 2... just a few little adjustments i.e. noise reduction and sharpening. It can't be just this easy, right???

Grrr Jeroen
photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
Hans Rolink
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by Hans Rolink »

jeroenow wrote: Capture NX 2... just a few little adjustments i.e. noise reduction and sharpening. It can't be just this easy, right???

Grrr Jeroen
Sometimes it is that easy, especially when the image has been well exposed. Occasionally, it needs some more work. Wout de Jong, the instructor during Iwan's famous Photoshop courses, taught us a lot of tricks, but what I always revisit is adjust the histogram (amount versus brightness) and sharpening. Every image will need some of that. Especially sharpening when you shoot RAW.
Noise reduction should not be an issue with a D3 @ ISO 200. It is certainly not an issue with my D300 at 200 ISO which has the same sensor if I'm not mistaken.

Keep up the good work, more precisely, post some more!

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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

Hans Rolink wrote:Sometimes it is that easy
Once again something important learned :-) In several other topics Iwan's Photoshop courses have been spoken about. Maybe there should be another one??? I am in... Anyway about the sensors of Nikon D3 and Nikon D300 you are not 100% right as 'yours' is a DX one (crop 1.5) and 'mine' is a FX so full frame 36mm * 24 mm. Anyway a few more:




cheers Jeroen
photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
Hans Rolink
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by Hans Rolink »

jeroenow wrote:
Once again something important learned :-) In several other topics Iwan's Photoshop courses have been spoken about. Maybe there should be another one??? I am in... Anyway about the sensors of Nikon D3 and Nikon D300 you are not 100% right as 'yours' is a DX one (crop 1.5) and 'mine' is a FX so full frame 36mm * 24 mm. Anyway a few more:
cheers Jeroen
Bright and crisp, Jeroen!
You're right about the sensor size, BTW. What I meant was that both D3 and D300 have CMOS instead of CCD. Nikon used to have CCD's only.

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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

in case you are having enough of Hornets...

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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by PH-OTO »


Some impressions of my trip to Meiringen in the first week of the WK.
I am working on a full feature which will soon be available on my site.

01. Early rise with five on the roller

02. They always play along

03. Turning final

04. B&W

05. Yummie


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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

Hans Rolink wrote:What I meant was that both D3 and D300 have CMOS instead of CCD. Nikon used to have CCD's only.
Than you are correct (again)...
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

PC-9 C-406 during take off in sharp left hand turn... thank you!!!


FA-18C J-5016 against dramatic mountain scenery of Meiringen Hassliberg...


That should be enough... but curious about the pics other (Dutch) photographers made during their stay in Meiringen :-)

Cheers Jeroen
Last edited by jeroenow on 26 Mar 2009, 07:24, edited 1 time in total.
photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by John Rambo »

Wow, really nice PC-9 photo Jeroen! Great job, though the sky might be a little reddish?
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by jeroenow »

John Rambo wrote:Wow, really nice PC-9 photo Jeroen! Great job, though the sky might be a little reddish?
Thanx... but reddish??? Not really on my Mac Pro + Eizo CE-240W...
I will have another look tomorrow at work on a Windows based HP-screen and see if I agree with you...

Just curious if the next (and final) one is a little reddish as well???

photography by Jeroen Oude Wolbers
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Re: Meiringen (LSMM) Wiederhohlungskurs 2009

Post by Key »

Hi chaps,

Great stuff here, both the photos and the excellent commentary by Hans. On the D3/D300 sensors: related yes, but with the same amount of pixels on a larger sensor, the D3 is the absolute low-noise high-iso bomb at the moment. Sports photogs use it routinely at 3200 for indoor-events... and the max is iso 6400 AFAIK. I went for the D300 myself, like Hans, because I have more use for the high pixel density of that one.
On some shots, like the PC-9 indeed, there seems to be some more red than on others indeed. However, it looks well within all reasonable boundaries to me. I would say the J-5008 is a bit less greenish than the J-5016. Ik prefer the latter.

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