0645/0800 A310 TC-JCY TK6303/6304 IST/IST 0805/0830 B738 EI-DLR FR9353/9354 PSA/PSA 1500/1545 B738 PH-HZD HV166/166 LPA/RTM 1925/2200 ATP G-BTPH NPT571/572 CVT/CVT
0645/0800 A310 TC-JCY TK6303/6304 IST/IST 0805/0830 B738 EI-DLR FR9353/9354 PSA/PSA 1500/1545 B738 PH-HZD HV166/166 LPA/RTM 1925/2200 ATP G-BTPH NPT571/572 CVT/CVT
1100/1200 AN12 UR-CGV UCR2903/2904 KBP/KBP 1320/____ C525 D-IDAG DIDAG/***** CEQ/*** 1725/____ A310 OK-YAD OK9340/**** PRG/*** 2050/2150 B734 TC-SKD SHY492/492 HAM/AYT
0700/0800 AN26 UR-DWB UCR2903/2904 0730/0800 BE9L D-IFHI DIFHI/DIFHI DUS/LAU ____/1200 SF34 HA-TAD ****/FRF100F ***/BUD 1220/1700 BE9L D-IDKE DIDKE/DIDKE FMM/FMM 1830/1900 BE9L D-IFHI DIFHI/DIFHI LAU/DUS
N182AQ B767 n/t LX-WAT ATP West Air PH-ISA ATR42 Virgin Nigeria (stored) OM-SKY Emb110 Sky (stored) ST-NVA Fokker 50 Nova (stored) PH-HZF B737 TransaviaStill looking for the two white Dash-8's next to the ST-NVA and OM-SKY.
5N-BJW & 5N-BHW, both DHC-8-300's ex AerocontractorsHans wrote:21 May 2008Still looking for the two white Dash-8's next to the ST-NVA and OM-SKY.
5Y-VVJ is de Blue BirdNlspot2003 wrote:Ik was vanmiddag 19-8 op maastricht en heb de volgende vragen.
Welke Bluebird Aviation F50 stond er links in de samco hangaar aan de overkant,
Welke witte fokker 50 stond ernaast de PH-ISA.
Welke regi heeft de witte dhc8 die voor de samco hangaar stond aan de terminal kant.
Dank je voor de regi's. Levert toch 2 leuke op.Nlspot2003 wrote:Ik was vanmiddag 19-8 op maastricht en heb de volgende vragen.
Welke Bluebird Aviation F50 stond er links in de samco hangaar aan de overkant, en wat stond er rechts in dezelfde hangaar, kon daar niks vanmaken.
Welke witte fokker 50 stond ernaast de PH-ISA.
Welke regi heeft de witte dhc8 die voor de samco hangaar stond aan de terminal kant.
The Bluebird was the 5Y-VVJ, St-NVA has no titles.Raymond wrote:I have some questions about maastricht aircraft:
On 08-08-09 I saw some planes but I could not read them
did the ST-NVA had titles because the tail was white but I do not know if it had titles
Was the Bluebird inside the SAMCO the 5Y-VVJ?
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