The forum for all movements and news about Ramstein Air Base.
Forum rules
Mode S / SBS and radio logs, airfield specific, are allowed, but always state your source, mode S / SBS or air traffic conversations. These logs can be placed in the "day topic" so a separate Mode S / SBS radio log is not necessary
900530 C-26D NAF Sigonella dep 15:20
164997/AX C-130T VR-53 dep 15:23
86-0021 C-5B 337th AS AFRC
87-0044 C-5B 60th AMW
87-0034 C-5B 60th AMW
02-1103 C-17A 62nd AW
02-1107 C-17A 62nd AW
03-3119 C-17A 183rd AS MS ANG
03-3123 C-17A 437th AW
04-4138 C-17A 729th AS AFRC
06-6162 C-17A 60th AMW
01-0189 C-17A 437th AW
..-.... C-17A 437th AW >>> parked behind another one and therefore unreadable.
87-00140 C-20E OSAC/PAT dep 15:27
..-.... C-130H bk/y (95-1001 probably)
..-.... C-130H bk/y (96-1005 probably)
..-.... C-130H bl??
63-7991 KC-135R 173rd ARS NE ANG