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This is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum.
Although we will not screen beforehand, we reserve the right to delete any images, especially if clearly unsharp or otherwise low in quality. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post. In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.).
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Flight operations by the Swiss continue, despite the incident with a Sidewinder last week. Seen on 3 August a.o.:
Support came in the shape of (the hoped for by me) Beech 1900!
Security was vigilant, but not overly active. Some guys near the fence were apparantly instructed to lay down their stepladders. I was on the mound on the east side and nobody paid any attention to me or other guys at that point.
Heading home with Mach 3, kickstart the computer, show us the moves at Wittmund
Nice scooter shots. The one-wheel touch down of the Beech is a nice hit as well.
Heading home with Mach 3, kickstart the computer, show us the moves at Wittmund
Nice scooter shots. The one-wheel touch down of the Beech is a nice hit as well.
Keep 'm coming!
Haha, living in "Oost Groningen" has its plusses
Wittmund is actually easier to do for me than Leeuwarden. Glad you liked the pics!.
Thermal wrote:A bit off topic but is there some info to be found on this 'incident'?
Swiss Investigate AIM-9P Incident
Posted by Robert Wall at 8/3/2009 3:07 AM CDT
Investigators are trying to sort out what exactly caused a Swiss AIM-9P Sidewinder to come apart after being launched.
Eight Swiss air force F/A-18s and around 50 personnel are on a deployment to the German Wittmund air base to exercise air defense skills under the Squadron Live Firing 09 program. Last week, one of those aircraft was approaching its target – which was being towed by another aircraft – and launched an AIM-9P. The missile separated cleanly, but a few seconds later came apart in flight, Swiss military officials say. The debris fell into the North Sea.
There was no damage to any of the aircraft involved in the incident.
The Swiss air force, which began its deployment to Germany on July 20 and will remain there until August 28, will continue training, however without the AIM-9P. The missiles are grounded pending the outcome of the review.
However, without the missile a key element of the training period will be lost. The Swiss military says exercising the use of air-to-air weapons under time pressure was one of the training period’s key objectives.
Switzerland is also a customer of the latest standard of the Raytheon missile, the AIM-9X. But those missiles have not been deployed to Germany.
A Swiss military representative says the accident investigation is being pursued with urgency, but no timeline has been established for when it may be concluded.
Marco wrote:
Hans, you are loosing grip. You were to late to make the same kind of pic as you made at Hyakuri
I know, Marco, I did this kind of thing at Hyakuri as well. You know, it's sort of addicting
Good to see everyone has so much fun in Ostfriesland! Just go ahead and post. It was nice to meet you, Olli J. I should have stayed just a little bit longer....
CU next time I guess.