Tornado 45+07 §; 45+33 (Marine c/s); 45+43 (Marine c/s); 45+96 § all JaboG 33.
A further three Tornados from Büchel arrived last Friday (and are presently unknown to me).
F-18C HN-423; HN-424; HN-426; HN-439; HN-447
F-18D HN-461 all no badge except HN-424 which had the panther of HävLLv 31 on the nose.
Support was provided by C.160Ds
50+09 (LTG 61); 50+81 (62); 50+92 (61); 51+06 (63); 51+12 (63)
The finnish contingent arrived with an Air Finland 757 (OH-AFJ) landing at Laage.