This is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum. Although we will not screen beforehand, we reserve the right to delete any images, especially if clearly unsharp or otherwise low in quality. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post. In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.). Finally, bring any photo criticism understandable and to the point, not cynical or offensive! Simultaneously, do not feel offended by criticism per se, but simply explain your motives, taste et cetera, or ignore if you wish so. |
Don´t know but definately looks like it. It´s clearly visible at the camo one, but the grey ones seem to have a colour difference between fuselage and tailfin as well. Someone can shine a light on this?michel N wrote:Nice pics, but they've raised one question... Did these Hawks receive new tails?
Bert, you´re complety right about the times Thought I had a good memory, but exif tells otherwiseHeron wrote:A few remarks:
a. the first Hawk landed around 12:03 according my exif-info.
b. the first Hawk took off at 13:22 (and not between 14:00 and 14:30)
c. the last Hawk took off at 13:26.
d. The C295M took off at 13:38.
e. The last of the four F-16's landed at 14:09.
Nice work Jan, again proof that sunshine is desirable but not necessary for good shots!Leeuwarden wrote:Nice weather for some visitors
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