No, not every Dutch Starfighter was delivered by Fokker (D-8xxx series) in air-defence grey livery. Fokker built four variants, air-defence, recce, fighter-bomber and basic. Basically air-defence, recce and basic Starfighters were delivered in air-defence grey as well as all Starfighters built by Fiat (D-66xx series) and Lockheed (D-5xxx). Basically, fighter-bomber Starfighters were delivered in three-tone green / dark grey / light grey, but there was a lot of swapping around between Twenthe (OCU and 306), Leeuwarden (322 and 323, air defence) and Volkel (311 and 312, fighter-bomber).
Starfighter operations started at Twenthe, with air-defence grey aircraft. The first six aircraft that went to Leeuwarden were all grey (D-80xx) and Volkel aircraft were mostly three-tone (starting at D-82xx). A lot of Leeuwarden aircraft ended-up at Volkel in air-defence grey and some air-to-ground ones were delivered to Leeuwarden. The second-to last aircraft, D-8341, was built as basic and delivered in air-defence grey to Leeuwarden the last aircraft, D-8343 was also built as basic and delivered in air-defence grey but to Volkel.
Late 1960s, all aircraft were painted in the three-tone camouflage scheme, also the Leeuwarden ones. The last two were D-8121 and D-8341 which were painted in the three-tone scheme in 1970.
D-8331 was built as fighter-bomber but delivered to Leeuwarden in 1965. When Leeuwarden started to prepare for the F-16 in 1979, it was transferred to Volkel where it ended it's career with 312 and UFO. It is now preserved in the USA.
PS: Dug this picture up from my archives (it's a Lockheed picture, the stamp is on the back). All four were built as fighter-bombers and delivered to Volkel, but as you can see, D-8257 is air-defence grey.
Some more air-defence grey Starfighters from my collection: