Forum for all matters concerning Amsterdam-Schiphol airport (and control zone, including heliport). Customary language is Dutch, but English is also accepted.
Om 11:30 is de B-2461 (CZ B744F) op R74 binnen gekomen.
Is uitgeweken naar AMS omdat het weer in SZW/EDOP niet mee zit vandaag.
Gaat morgen om 10:00lt een nieuwe poging doen om naar SZW te vliegen.
Grt, Mike
Flown on: A312/A319/A320/A321/A332/A388/B732/B733/B734/B73G/B738/B752/B763/B743/M83/RJ85/RJ1H/F70/F100/MD11/E110/CNC/PA28
At 15.58 KLC F70 KL1060 from CWL broke off its landing at 18R to circle for a new apporach to RWY24. Holding now taking place at both Lelystad and Hellevoetsluis to accomodate a switch of RWYs.
XYZ wrote:At 15.58 KLC F70 KL1060 from CWL broke off its landing at 18R to circle for a new apporach to RWY24. Holding now taking place at both Lelystad and Hellevoetsluis to accomodate a switch of RWYs.
I guess you mean resp. 36R and 06.
That might explain the strange move of the Sundt 747 as all landing are now concentrated on RW06...Reason for changing could be getting the snow of the runways..
At the time the Sundt did its approach, the breaking action on runway 36R was medium to poor (minima for Sundt). They accepted the offer to wait for runway 06 to open with a better breaking action, however this took a little bit longer so a slight delay in approach.