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SOURCE:Flight International
EADS running out of patience on A400M refinancing
By Andrew Doyle
EADS is warning the Airbus Military A400M customer nations that time is running out to save the troubled airlifter, which programme sources say is costing the company more than €100 million ($143 million) a month to sustain.
"We are negotiating," says EADS. "We cannot take the burden all alone. We need to share the burden."
Sources close to the programme rate the chances of a refinancing deal for the A400M being agreed before EADS's end-of-January deadline at "50:50".
The project, running around two years late with the prototype having finally achieved its maiden flight in December, requires another €11.4 bllion of funding to complete. EADS has already made a €2.4 billion provision, leaving additional costs of around €9 billion that need to be covered by the seven partner nations and industry.
The amounts of money mentioned are ENORMOUS
ELEVEN BILLION EUROS additionally for a programme that is not all that "cutting edge" and with a prototype already flying