Hello all,
Today the "Campus Saffraanberg" was open for general public for their yearly Defense Recruiting program. On Saffraanberg is also stationed a part of the technical engeneering on aircrafts. The following was seen during the day;
outside, gate guard:
FX53 F-104G preserved on pole
outside, in front of the aviation hangar:
FX39 F-104G instructional aircraft
FB03 F-16B instructional aircraft
BA17 Mirage 5BA instructional aircraft
inside the aviation hangar:
FA03 F-16A instructional aircraft
H14 A.109BA instructional aircraft with EU mks
ST09 SF260MB instructional aircraft
AT08 Alpha Jet 1B tail only
A27 SA.318C instructional aircraft
A53 SA.318C instructional aircraft
H19 A.109BA instructional aircraft, hulk only
ST.. SF260MB tail only of a crashed Marchetti
outside near the trashcompartments:
A37 SA.318C dumped
inside deliverygoods & transportation unit hangar:
(FS02) F-104 front fuselage only, build as simulator
That was all....
best regards,