Thanks for the comments so far, exactly the discussion I was hoping for..
SquAdmin wrote:
Probably just incremental, but after one airshow you could easily end up with xxGb of files. It takes pretty long to upload that to an online service, even if there is a high speed connection between both ends. Downloading in case of dataloss takes even longer because then you have to download the hundreds of Gb's at once...
Hundreds of GB's?
I only have 19 GB of aviation photos since September 2005 (2004 photos to be exact) and it's not because I don't take many photos.
I tend to delete a lot (unsharp, wrong composition, but also 'double' shots, even average photos of an aircraft that I photographed better at a later moment). Depending on the subject and the conditions I think I only keep about 20-40% of all photos I take. Some may say I delete too many, but I have never felt I missed any shots because I deleted them.
DG AIR wrote:I have been thinking on online storage as well but I am a bit scary about the safety. They can hack almost anything nowadays.
Hmm how big would the chance be that someone hacks your online storage, knows how to edit (or even open) your RAW files and then manages to do 'bad things' with your photos (like earning money with them) without you knowing it or without you being able to take action against it..? Of course you don't want this to happen, but I would be equally afraid of having my external HD's stolen.