Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

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Argus 01
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Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Argus 01 »


For the second night in a row a helicopter was flying in the eastern part of the Eelde TMA.
Thursdaynight between 0230LT en 0300LT and fridaynight between 0230LT and 0345LT, a medium helicopter (sounds like something between Lynx and Cougar) was making large orbits around the city of Winschoten. Although the sky was clear I could'nt see any anti-collission lights. Maybe some police flights for possible "hennep plantages"?
I already find out that it had nothing to do with the possible crashed airplane near Odoorn, Drenthe at thursdayevening.
Maybe there are some folks who heared someting on their scanners.......

Thanx in advance,
Hans Rolink
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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Hans Rolink »

Argus 01 wrote:Hi,

For the second night in a row a helicopter was flying in the eastern part of the Eelde TMA.
Thursdaynight between 0230LT en 0300LT and fridaynight between 0230LT and 0345LT, a medium helicopter (sounds like something between Lynx and Cougar) was making large orbits around the city of Winschoten. Although the sky was clear I could'nt see any anti-collission lights. Maybe some police flights for possible "hennep plantages"?
I already find out that it had nothing to do with the possible crashed airplane near Odoorn, Drenthe at thursdayevening.
Maybe there are some folks who heared someting on their scanners.......

Thanx in advance,
That's odd, it should have past right overhead my house a couple of times then. Didn't notice a thing....

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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Arjan »

Uiteraard blijft het speculeren, maar misschien heeft het iets te maken met de branden in Veendam. Proberen ze de infrarood van de nieuwe heli's uit. Als ik mij niet vergis ligt Veendam dicht bij Winschoten en ten oosten van Eelde?
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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Hans Rolink »

Arjan wrote:Uiteraard blijft het speculeren, maar misschien heeft het iets te maken met de branden in Veendam. Proberen ze de infrarood van de nieuwe heli's uit. Als ik mij niet vergis ligt Veendam dicht bij Winschoten en ten oosten van Eelde?
Veendam ligt ten zuidwesten van Winschoten en ten oosten van Eelde. Maar het is een idee natuurlijk. Misschien zat de heli even "in de hold" om de boel te testen of zo.

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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Arjan »

Zeker zou ook kunnen, maar ik zou met een heli ook niet precies boven mijn doel vliegen als je het met sterke apparatuur ook vanaf een afstandje kan bekijken!
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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by BerendBotje »

Misschien deze voor de donderdag op vrijdagnacht: ... =&id=34223" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by warbird_nl »

At the moment PH-PXZ (Police AW.139) is active in the area (Eelde TMA). According to my SBS-1 it was also active during the last two nights.


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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Argus 01 »

Hi Sander,

I think you've solved the mystery, last night around 01:00u he was also active north of Winschoten.
Maybe some test flights?

Greetz Edwin
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Re: Mysterious helicopter activity at night in Eelde TMA.

Post by Key »

Meer hierrrr.
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