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Normally parking is indeed forbidden on the east side of the Ijweg but due to A380 they made a exception. Traffic controllers were also there to prevent problems. The light was, when the sun was looking to us, perfect from thereMainPower wrote: Just a stupid questing, is there not a parking-ban these days at that spot?
BTW ... both sides are ijweg, right?
AAA so you we're standing next to me.screamed and yelled and those =censored= just waved at us....sfeyenoord1 wrote:Sucked that when the 380 was on final, some (@%#$) pulled up it's van in the gras...right infront of the crowd (and didn't leave after some yelling).
I know that they can do what they want,in first place we asked them to move a bit the nice way.just 20-30 meters more to the south and they would have been out of the way.Delta12 wrote:This is just ridiculous,
The people that work on airside operations have the privilege the be on that side of the fence.
I understand your frustration but things like that happen all the time! Certainly in this case it wasn't done on purpose.
That yellow truck wasn't the only one that I heard that some more had some angry people shouting at them.
Perhaps, Did somebody caught the yellow truck with 55 on the side on photo? at front of the a380
Thanks Bramos.bramos wrote:Love that last one! It's brilliant !
komt eraan!Delta12 wrote:Perhaps, Did somebody caught the yellow truck with 55 on the side on photo? at front of the a380
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