I still miss some serials from MFG2 Marineflieger Tornados from the flying programm from Nordholz air show August 13th 1995.
The solo display was serial 45+36.
Read from the formation off 8 MFG2 Tornados (2x 4) were: 45+14, 45+47, 45+49, 45+65, 46+19, so missing are still 3.
(at the static were 45+54, 46+13, 46+20)
And still unknown from the ILA Berlin at May 9th 2002:
2x Tornado MFG2 (buddy-buddy refuelling)
4x Tornado MFG2 (made 2x a pass in formation)
1x C-130J (AMI?), departured at about 11.30h
All missing serials are NOT in the Scramble Showreports!!!
Erik Kamphuis