C-17A 89-1189 437thAW arr RCH420
C-17A 90-0532 62ndAW arr RCH341
C-17A 97-0048 437thAW dep RCH390
C-17A 99-0064 62ndAW arr/dep RCH695
C-17A 99-0167 3rdWg 'AK' dep RCH582
C-17A 02-1098 437thAW dep RCH227
C-17A 03-3113 172ndAW dep RCH875
C-17A 03-3119 172ndAW arr RCH173
C-17A 04-4128 305thAMW arr/dep RCH426
C-17A 04-4137 305thAMW arr RCH123
C-17A 05-5145 452ndAMW arr/dep RCH306/160
C-17A 06-6154 60thAMW arr/dep RCH317
C-17A 06-6156 60thAMW arr/dep RCH182
C-17A 06-6157 60thAMW arr/dep RCH141
C-17A 06-6158 60thAMW arr/dep RCH264/855
C-17A 06-6166 436thAW arr/dep RCH140
KC-135R 59-1499 134thARW dep RCH209
KC-135R 63-8033 6thAMW dep RCH536
C-130J 06-8610 86thAW arr HKY140
C-130J 06-8612 86thAW dep HKY617
C-130J 07-8608 86thAW dep/arr KOO05
C-130J 08-8603 86thAW dep LION451
C-20H 92-0375 86thAW dep/arr VALOR20
C-21A 84-0081 86thAW dep VALOR70
C-21A 84-0109 86thAW dep JALOP58
C-21A 84-0110 86thAW arr JALOP37
C-21A 84-0111 86thAW dep/arr BURSA57
C-21A 84-0112 86thAW dep/arr JALOP56
UH-72A 09-72100 JMRC arr/dep A72100
Casa295 016 13ELTR dep PLF055
The Lakota land with 2 UH-1H from Hohenfels.
Also yesterday 2 Huey's arr with Leadership 79-23330 UH-60A C/1-214thAvn.
I think the Hueys are leaving Germany via Ramstein.
Does anyone know more?