Here a livereport from Live Air Traffic Control and Mode-S spotting from ETAR.
C-17A 02-1098 437AW dep Reach735
C-17A 03-3115 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach415
C-17A 03-3116 172AW/MS ANG dep Reach3311
C-17A 04-4132 305AMW dep Reach312
C-17A 07-7171 436AW dep Reach166
C-17A 07-7174 436AW dep Reach594
C-21A 84-0109 76AS dep Spar91
C-130J 07-8614/RS 37AS arr Lion462
KC-135R 57-1499 151ARW/UT ANG dep Reach341
KC-135R 62-3516 161ARW/AZ ANG arr Reach426
More to follow when there are new flying activities.