Frequencies to hear to during normal operating hours : 128.350/397.275 when Dutch Mil is using only 1 freq or 120.830/240.900 when multiple freqs are in use. During Nighttime & weekends they are on Maastricht 132.635 (FL245-FL355 or FL335 not sure anymore) or 132.085 (FL355+ or FL335 not sure anymore)
Aircraft flying lower than FL245 (C-130's) are working Amsterdam 125.750 / 124.875 during these periods.
It does accasionaly happens that a 352SOG C-130 crosses The Netherlands during these periods and I think as they are flying Operational Air Traffic (OAT) they are handled by Dutch Mil 128.350/397.275
Sometimes a E-8 crosses The Netherlands and they are mostly using UHF Maastricht Frequencies, I have to check which ones as I can not remember it. EDIT : 373.450 and 278.250
Fighters Intercepting them, can be heard on any of Bandbox freqs mentioned somewhere else in this forum.
if in case for real QRA 335.975 will be the one to listen to