Today's movements
G-CEDK Ce750 arr 0804 dep 0816 returned at 1629 dep 1651
M-ROLL Falcon 7X dep 0805
PH-DRK Ce560XL Jet Netherlands Bv JNL816 arr 0809 dep 0930
CS-DUG 125 Hawker 750 Netjets Europe NJE763C dep 0824 to ELLX returned at 1407 as NJE770P
CS-DHC Ce550B Netjets Europe NJE600W arr 0923
G-FJET Ce550 London Executive Aviation Ltd KRH44 arr 0949 dep as KRH14 at 1139 returned later at 1618
CS-DXY Ce560XLS Netjets Europe NJE804R dep 1001
M-YNNS Falcon 7X arr 1041 Nightstop
I-NATS Falcon 2000EX Sirio Spa SIO613 arr 1051 dep 1916
CS-DMT Be400XP Netjets Europe NJE433A arr 1201 dep as NJE489K at 1312 to EGGW
N37172 Be350 dep 1429 to LZIB (Bratislava)
VQ-BGN G-550 arr 1505 from LFMN
CS-DLD Falcon 2000EX Netjets Europe NJE709P arr 1557 dep as NJE403R at 1747 to EGGW
HB-JGI Falcon 7X Rabbit Air RBB131 arr 1622
CS-DKK G-550 Netjets Europe NJE837L arr 1716
OO-AIE Ce560XLS Flying Service NV dep 1912