Colours after editing

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Colours after editing

Post by Triple Nickel »

Hi all,

I have edited a photo from last Sunday at Weeze/Laarbruch (NRN) in two different ways:

As you all remember the superb weather from last daysin NL, I wanted to see this in the photo:
Clear Blue skies, a pure white aircraft, and the green grass in it's natural color.

The first one has been put through photomatix 4.0 and CS5 and the second one in CS5 only.

I would like to discuss colours here. Wich one is better???


3. 1+2 merged. (photo 1 on top of photo 2 and then 50% opacity on the top layer):

Greetz, Ron
Last edited by Triple Nickel on 04 May 2011, 19:50, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Hans Rolink »

Mi opinion, but that is my Kodachrome background, I think the second is better. The colours of the first one are too Fuji like to my liking. Too outspoken, too saturated. But that's just me I guess...

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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Redskin301 »

The first one is better if you remove more orange !
The orange domination is typical for most digital camera's

@Hans, I have a Fuji Superia background ;)
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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Iwan Bogels »

Hi Ron,

It's difficult to say as I don't know the exact situation. The colors in the grass look quite reddish. What's that like for real ? But in the top photo the little farm under the rear fuselage looks a bit too colorfull for such a distance. It should probably look a bit more bluish like in the second shot.

For a test, could you layer both shots on top of eachother in CS5 and reduce the opacity of the top layer photo to 50% ? That way you should get the best of both worlds. Can you show the result ?

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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Glidepath »

Sometimes even Iwan's ideas make sense. :mrgreen: combineer die twee. *

De een is ook m.i. te oranjig (beetje bah) maar heeft een aardige lucht en de andere iets te blauwig.

* wat je ook kunt doen is 3-5 % fotofilter blauw (82) ofzo toevoegen aan de eerste en even kijken of dat iets doet wat in de buurt komt van jouw belevenis van de kleurstelling van deze dag.

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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Triple Nickel »

For a test, could you layer both shots on top of eachother in CS5 and reduce the opacity of the top layer photo to 50% ? That way you should get the best of both worlds. Can you show the result ?
Allright. Good idea.

I have executed the above, and the result is photo #3 wich I have put in the first post, to have better comparising.

I'm quite happy with the result. Especially wenn I look at the tarmac colours. In #1 it is to yellow in #2 too Blue. In #3 in comes close to the real thing. The ''litte farm'' is actually a (ex) RAF Hardened Aircraft Shelter, (hard to see because of the jet's exhaust) and is made of concrete so should be pure grey....
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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Zipper »


Also a very important thing if you want the "real colors"...
Is your monitor calibrated in a proper way?
If not, do so and then continue working on your photo's...
To be honest though... I have to calibrate my monitor too...

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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Triple Nickel »


Yes, I work on a calibrated monitor.

Problem is of course, that all monitors of ''viewers'' are on different settings, so whatever I do, it will be different for everyone.

After I have edited a photo I check te photo on my laptop if it is not ''overdone''. Sometimes even another check on my pc at work.

Greetz, Ron
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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Key »

Of the first two, I would go for the second one, despite its slight blue cast. The first one looks exaggerated to me, unnatural.
Of the three, I like the mix best.

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Re: Colours after editing

Post by Andras »

1. Red but not much
2. Blue, but not much
3rd. Great..

3 for me..

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Re: Colours after editing

Post by FISHER01 »

3 is the best imho
greetzz. Jos FISHER01 K.™

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