Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Bennie »

Banter wrote:Updating Wim's heads up for Thursday 19th May 2011


0950 SUI777 B190
1030 PLF250 C130
1200 TuAF728 C160
1205 TuAF729 C160
1230 HAF356S C130


1150 SUI777 B190
1230 SQF5304 MiG29x2
1300 GAF56 TORNx1 (but maybe more ?)

GAFI56 (German Air Force India 56) is now en-route to Schleswig over southern Belgium.

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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI - 2011-05-13

Post by PilotoRico »

Borispole wrote:And for the PdF:

Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E143/2 demo c/s T09:20
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E156/8 demo c/s T09:20

These two are not correct, maybe typo? They are E163/2 and E158/8 (photoproof from landing on 15th)
Okay, could you share that picture on the photo topic? As for the E143 I am 99,9% sure that it is correct..... the E156/8 wasn't read by myself.

So any proof highly welcome.

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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by F17_114PM »

Regarding the PdF, I read on Sunday during landing the following from the pictures:

E134 #0; F-TERM
E85 #1; F-UGFF
E163 #2; F-TERE
E46 #3; F-UHRF
E130 #4; F-TERP
E117 #5; F-RCAI
E44 #6; F-UHRE
E162 #7; F-TERJ
E158 #8; F-TERF
E95 #9; F-TERQ

Hope, it helps :D

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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by nd11uk »

Withnail wrote:
maurits wrote:
Withnail wrote:which c-130 crossed cambrai on the 17th around a quarter past two, in a northernly direction? it was flying high.

This USAF C-130H was flying at high altitude around that time in NW direction, possible you saw this one:

AE061D 84-0207 REACH565 2011-05-17 11:56:05 C-130H United States DE ANG | 166AW | 142AS [KILG] Beaumont,BE 5712 20000
(logged 14.56hrs LT)
Destination RAF Mildenhall.


Thanks. Must be the one!

Hi Guy's

We had this on our Radar box OTT us on that heading and altitude as G-275


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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Sud-Ouest »

Withnail wrote:cool of you if you will do this.
Here's the crappy photo I took to see what kind of Herc was passing overhead.
As you can see, it has a Dutch roundel.


Hope this helps.


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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Sud-Ouest »

perrie wrote:Hi Jan,

I photographed the hangars from the car park (with permission of the two guards standing there) so I will check it for you or put the pictures on scramble. (I'm at work now so later)


Hi Per,

Would be great if you could help me out.


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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Bennie »

German Air Force 14 is inbound Cambrai now... I think it's a Transall.
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI - 2011-05-13

Post by frank kramer »

PilotoRico wrote:
Borispole wrote:And for the PdF:

Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E143/2 demo c/s T09:20
Alpha Jet E EPAA20.300 E156/8 demo c/s T09:20

These two are not correct, maybe typo? They are E163/2 and E158/8 (photoproof from landing on 15th)
Okay, could you share that picture on the photo topic? As for the E143 I am 99,9% sure that it is correct..... the E156/8 wasn't read by myself.

So any proof highly welcome.

Photos now posted here: ... &start=120 by Slijffie. They show E163 and E158.
Frank Kramer

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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Withnail »

Sud-Ouest wrote:
Withnail wrote:cool of you if you will do this.
Here's the crappy photo I took to see what kind of Herc was passing overhead.
As you can see, it has a Dutch roundel.


Hope this helps.


thank you very much!!!!
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Bennie »

Bennie wrote:German Air Force 14 is inbound Cambrai now... I think it's a Transall.
Now over Schiphol on the way back to Germany!
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Otto »

Log wednesday may 18th between 08:30LT – 16:30LT

Cambrai city square:
Jaguar A A41/7-DE Pres. desert c/s
Mirage 2000 03/2-EC Pres.


First wave:
F/A-18C J-5014 Fl.St.11
F/A-18C J-5015 Fl.St.11
F/A-18C J-5023 Fl.St.11
F/A-18D J-5236 Fl.St.11
F-16C 93-0682 192 Filo/9 AJU tiger c/s
F-16C 93-0679 192 Filo/9 AJU
JAS-39C 9235 211 tl. tiger c/s
JAS-39D 9819 211 tl.
MI-35 3367 221 lbvr. tiger c/s
MIG-29AS 0619 1 SL special digital c/s
MIG-29UBS 5304/SL 1 SL
Mirage 2000-5F 42/102-EY EC 1/2
Mirage 2000-5F 44/118-EQ EC 5/330 tiger c/s
Mirage 2000-5F 54/102-EZ EC 1/2
Mirage 2000-5F 65/118-MG EC 5/330
Mirage 2000C 80/103-LI EC 1/12 tiger c/s
Mirage 2000C 102/103-KR EC 1/12
Saab 105O RF-26 DTS tiger c/s
Saab 105O RG-27 DTS
Tornado ECR 46+33 JBG.32 tiger c/s
Tornado ECR 46+44 JBG.32
Tornado ECR 46+46 JBG.32
Tornado IDS 43+48 AG.51
Tornado IDS 44+61 AG.51
Tornado IDS 45+35 AG.51
Tornado IDS 45+64 AG.51

F-16AM 151106 ESQ 301 jaguar c/s Jaguar51
F-16AM 151102 (ESQ 301) Jaguar52
F-16AM 151114 (ESQ 301) Jaguar53
F-16AM 151117 (ESQ 301) Jaguar54
F-16AM 151109 (ESQ 301) Jaguar55
F-16AM 151123 (ESQ 301) Jaguar56

Engine tesflight:
F-16D-52CF 4082 6 ELT tiger c/s

Grounded / Flightline:
F-16C-52CF 003 335 Mira
F-16C-52CF 010 335 Mira
F-16D-52CF 021 335 Mira
F-16C-52CF 4055 6 ELT
F-16C-52CF 4058 6 ELT
F-16C-52CF 4060 6 ELT tiger c/s
F-16C-52CF 4061 6 ELT

Second wave:
AB212ICO MM81217 21 Gr/9 St. ISAF c/s Dust06
AB212ICO MM81215 21`Gr/9 St. Dust07
F/A-18C J-5011 Fl.St.11 tiger c/s Beast01
F/A-18C J-5014 Fl.St.11 Beast02
F/A-18C J-5015 Fl.St.11 Beast03
F/A-18C J-5023 Fl.St.11 Beast04
F-16C 93-0682 192 Filo/9 AJU tiger c/s Kaplan67
F-16D 93-0696 192 Filo/9 AJU tiger c/s Kaplan66
Falcon 20E F-GPAD AVDEF Falcon60
JAS-39C 9235 211 tl. tiger c/s Maiden12
JAS-39C 9238 211 tl. Maiden14
JAS-39C 9245 211 tl. tiger c/s Maiden13*
JAS-39D 9819 211 tl. Maiden11
LJ-36A D-CGFE GFD Jamkite67
MI-35 3367 221 lbvr. tiger c/s Hind65
MI-35 3361 221 lbvr. tiger c/s Hind66
Mirage 2000C 80/103-LI EC 1/12 tiger c/s Airmax56
Mirage 2000C 88/103-KV EC 1/12 tiger c/s Airmax55
Mirage 2000-5F 42/102-EY EC ½ Corik44
Mirage 2000-5F 44/118-EQ EC 5/330 tiger c/s Corik41
Mirage 2000-5F 54/102-EZ EC ½ Corik43
Mirage 2000-5F 65/118-MG EC 5/330 Corik42
Tornado ECR 46+29 JBG.32 special c/s Eagle22
Tornado ECR 46+44 JBG.32 Eagle21
Tornado IDS 45+35 AG.51 Panther54
Tornado IDS 45+51 AG.51 panther c/s Panther51
Tornado IDS 45+64 AG.51 Panther52
Tornado IDS 46+10 AG.51 Panther53

* Maiden13 returned shortly after due to an oxygen failure.

H-34A SA162/68-DJ Stored
Mirage IIIE (471/45-103) Stored
Mirage IIIE (496) Stored upside down
Super Mystere B.2 “128/12-ZT” Gate Guard
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Midair »

Does someone have the log for thursday 19th may?
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by biesenbeek »

Hiya all,

would appriciate some help with sorting some of my logs from may 17 (afternoon sortie)

- two Mirage's on take off, if i remember correctly around two o clock (we were still on the carpark :) )

- German Tornado's, i have in order of take off:
one in special C/S, presumed 46+29
and one more i missed

- finally, am i correct in assuming the third SAAB 105, mostly hidden between the earth wall, right of two more, to be "g-red"

Thanks for the help,
Last edited by biesenbeek on 21 May 2011, 19:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by spotter4life »

I just want to say thank you for the perfect informations of arrivals and departures. Great service :respect:
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Re: Nato Tiger Meet 2011 Cambrai-Epinoy LFQI

Post by Jappie »

Hi there,

When I arrived last thusrday the 19th the following departed. I was unable to read them, any help is welcome!

P-180 dep 13:50
Alpha Jet dep 13:58
Mirage 2000 dep 14:04
Mirage 2000 dep 14:05
Mirage 2000 dep 14:10
Mirage 2000 dep 14:10
Tornado dep 14:15

Many thanks!

Greetz Jasper
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