Here are Tom's own motivations and the background:
I'd like to explain the meaning of this new Scramble sub forum.
Here at Scramble you usually find two different kinds of people.
1. the ones who want to shoot for the numbers and take a "spotterpic" (usually cropped nose/tail and exactly from a 90 degree angle)
2. the ones who want to take an aviation related picture, which could be arty-farty, or backlit, or what ever way you want it processed.
Scramble is made for the first group of people. That is great, it's what made Scramble to what it is today. A great place to hang out and check for info or news or pictures.
With this new Scramble sub forum I want to offer the second group an opportunity to post their "non spotter" pictures and be creative in what they like to do, being: taking beautiful aviation related pictures. This will prevent clogging the usual forum and gives the fastly growing second group a chance to post without bumping into any obstacles.
We want to post your pictures after a low entry-level screening. This means 99% will be posted online. It's possible for everyone to post their pictures here.
It is not about the equipment you use but more about; what is your motivation to take that picture.
You can see it as a group of people with all sorts of skill levels who want to help each other by giving positive feedback. You can be critical offcourse, just explain why and if possible, give suggestions how to change or improve things. I personaly experienced that it is really nice to get some help from someone who has more skills/knowledge and am really great full for this. This will hopefully trigger people to start posting their stuff. Off-course, you do not have to comment if you don't want to. Just enjoy is good enough .
This is how it works:
1. Send me a personal message or email at the following address with your [img]TAG just like you normally do when posting pictures in a topic at Scramble. So if you want to post 5 pictures, please include 5 TAG lines. Please include location and date. Your pictures (if possible accompanied by comments, it's totally up to you) are more than welcome.
2. After checking your pictures i will put them online with your comments added and at the top your name, and as a title your location and date string.
3. Please use the "Post Reply" button to give your comments like you normally do.
My wish is to create a positive environment where everyone treats each-other with respect and everyone feels free to post.
If you have any questions, please let me know. I'll gladly answer them.
Have fun!