This is the forum to share your recent aviation photos with the rest of the community, being photos not older than six months at the moment of topic opening. Theme-based topics, not about recent events, should go into the sub-forum. Although we will not screen beforehand, we reserve the right to delete any images, especially if clearly unsharp or otherwise low in quality. For more information on how to upload you images, check this post. In topic titles, please use airfield names in stead of just codes, and be clear about what kind of photos your viewers can expect (e.g. CIV/MIL, location etc.). Finally, bring any photo criticism understandable and to the point, not cynical or offensive! Simultaneously, do not feel offended by criticism per se, but simply explain your motives, taste et cetera, or ignore if you wish so. |
kmarrie wrote:Erwin S,
where did you shot the Blackhawk? And is this spot also for everyone??
I'm very curious.
Ciao Ralph
If it's illegal(not saying that it is) then you could be jeapordizing the hobby for all the rest of us...PH-DPK wrote:Illegal or not.....I do my job, take care of your own hobby
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Sorry to say this but what type of =censored= is that?Snipes wrote:If it's illegal(not saying that it is) then you could be jeapordizing the hobby for all the rest of us...PH-DPK wrote:Illegal or not.....I do my job, take care of your own hobby
[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
Dear Erwin,ErwinS wrote:kmarrie wrote:Erwin S,
where did you shot the Blackhawk? And is this spot also for everyone??
I'm very curious.
Ciao Ralph
Airside and thats somethings else than illegal.... maybe read first......
Well, i have to agree with this post to a certain level. And thats the tone... Just a thought:skycruiser wrote:Nice pics from all of you. Wanna give my opinion in this topic anyway;
ErwinS is asking in a normal way what spot Daan is using. But a normal answer can't be given apparently. Only smilies like 'funny post' etc. can be given here. No, I think it's not about being jealous about picture quality and I think it's not the question if it is illegal or not.
As far as I know this spot (line up 36L, discussed a lot about), this spot is nowadays not reachable anymore on public terrain, so that's why ErwinS is asking what spot is used. The 'old' public location (is it open again?), airside road along 18R-36L (if so, just answer Daan, or is there a reason not to tell us?), or is there a completely unknown location (any reason not to share with us?).
I think ErwinS is asking a valid question, but does not get a normal reply from several members here
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