Vissenaken Storage Facility

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Vissenaken Storage Facility

Post by r.e.hendriks »

Hi all,

Yesterday (27-07-2011) I visited the Storage Facility at Vissenaken.
Here you'll find airframes owned by the KLM in Brussels.

Here a log:

Stored inside Hangar 1:
BA-07 Mirage 5BA nn BAF nose section only
191/8-NK Mystère IVA nn FAF broken up
145/12-ZR Super Mystère B.2 nn FAF broken up
20+21 MiG-23ML nn GAF broken up
58-0322 F-101B nn USAF broken up / OR ANG mks.

Stored inside Hangar 2:
A-3 Auster AOP Mk.6 nn BAF broken up / as “A-2”
2808 L-29R nn Czechoslov. AF
96+35 Mi-24D nn GAR rotorless
F-2157 MiG-21F-13 nn Indonesian AF broken up / as “77r”
2126 Mi-2T nn Polish AF rotorless
1014 TS-11-bis B nn Polish AF
XL601/874 Hunter T.7 nn RN broken up

Stored inside Hangar 3:
12-130 Chipmunk T.20 nn RDAF broken up
418 Lim-5 nn Polish AF broken up

Stored inside Hangar 4:
A-17 Auster AOP Mk.6 nn BAF broken up / as “OO-FDJ”
A-22 Auster AOP Mk.6 nn BAF broken up / as “OO-FDL”
T-27 DH.82A nn BAF broken up / as “OO-EVH”
PL-33 Grunau Baby II nn BAF broken up
LB-03 L-21B nn BAF wings only
PL-13 Schleicher Ka.2 nn BAF broken up
216168 Bü-181B nn FAF broken up / as “OO-BLJ”
VS613 Prentice T.1 nn RAF broken up / as “OO-OPO”

Stored outside:
MT-04 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
MT-26 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
MT-40 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
MT-44 CM-170 nn BAF broken up

Can anyone tell me the story about the wings of the L-21B with serial LB-03?
We saw the wings of LB-03 in very bad shape in the depot and according to older reports they have been there for some time.
However the LB-03 is still flying around nowadays. Any info on this will be more than welcome.

Additions/Corrections on the log are always welcome.

Best regards Rob.
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Re: Vissenaken Storage Facility

Post by Hot Air »

r.e.hendriks wrote: Can anyone tell me the story about the wings of the L-21B with serial LB-03?
We saw the wings of LB-03 in very bad shape in the depot and according to older reports they have been there for some time.
However the LB-03 is still flying around nowadays. Any info on this will be more than welcome.


In 2000/2002 all the remaining Super Cubs received a major overhaul, during which brand new fuselage frames, new wings and more powerful 180 HP engines were fitted. In reality the L21B's were replaced by new Super Cubs, where only some parts of the old aircraft were transferred to the new fuselages. The "new" Super Cubs are easily identified by their rounded aft window compared to a square one on the earlier models.
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