Hi all,
Yesterday (27-07-2011) I visited the Storage Facility at Vissenaken.
Here you'll find airframes owned by the KLM in Brussels.
Here a log:
Stored inside Hangar 1:
BA-07 Mirage 5BA nn BAF nose section only
191/8-NK Mystère IVA nn FAF broken up
145/12-ZR Super Mystère B.2 nn FAF broken up
20+21 MiG-23ML nn GAF broken up
58-0322 F-101B nn USAF broken up / OR ANG mks.
Stored inside Hangar 2:
A-3 Auster AOP Mk.6 nn BAF broken up / as “A-2”
2808 L-29R nn Czechoslov. AF
96+35 Mi-24D nn GAR rotorless
F-2157 MiG-21F-13 nn Indonesian AF broken up / as “77r”
2126 Mi-2T nn Polish AF rotorless
1014 TS-11-bis B nn Polish AF
XL601/874 Hunter T.7 nn RN broken up
Stored inside Hangar 3:
12-130 Chipmunk T.20 nn RDAF broken up
418 Lim-5 nn Polish AF broken up
Stored inside Hangar 4:
A-17 Auster AOP Mk.6 nn BAF broken up / as “OO-FDJ”
A-22 Auster AOP Mk.6 nn BAF broken up / as “OO-FDL”
T-27 DH.82A nn BAF broken up / as “OO-EVH”
PL-33 Grunau Baby II nn BAF broken up
LB-03 L-21B nn BAF wings only
PL-13 Schleicher Ka.2 nn BAF broken up
216168 Bü-181B nn FAF broken up / as “OO-BLJ”
VS613 Prentice T.1 nn RAF broken up / as “OO-OPO”
Stored outside:
MT-04 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
MT-26 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
MT-40 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
MT-44 CM-170 nn BAF broken up
Can anyone tell me the story about the wings of the L-21B with serial LB-03?
We saw the wings of LB-03 in very bad shape in the depot and according to older reports they have been there for some time.
However the LB-03 is still flying around nowadays. Any info on this will be more than welcome.
Additions/Corrections on the log are always welcome.
Best regards Rob.