UR-82009, AN-124, Antonov Design BureauWithnail wrote:maandag 1 augustus tegen 21.30 uur, over Dronten, Flevoland, richting Schiphol, grote, 4-motorige airliner, oogde militair. iemand een idee wat voor kist dit was?
Hoi Erik,erik_kamphuis wrote:vanmorgen om 11.05u kwam er een CH-53 vanuit de richting Bentlage laag over Twenthe. Weet niet of deze door ging naar bijv. De Kooy? Iemand deze gelogd boven NL (SBS)?
Grizzly54 - D-664 logged 11:30Speedbird01 wrote:One Chinook was pushing its limits when at 11:55 it made a single high speed low pass (really fast and really low) over the exercise area near the TT circuit (south west) of Assen and continued southbound.
84+26 - CH-53GEHeron wrote:Also today (4 aug) a CH-53G crossing overhead my house at around 11:20 heading north.
Ten minutes later it was flying overhead Eelde (EHGG) and heard as "GAM N11".
Would be nice to get the registration of this one
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