On 14 April 1994 I was at the terminal at Frankfurt because of a visit behind the scenes(school trip) but without a binoculars I saw 2x C-5A/B departing, 1x yel/black fintip and 1x with blue/black mks(1 in grey c/s and 1 in lizard), I suggest these are from 60AMW/Travis. Further 4x C-5A/B grey and 2x C-141B on the ramps which I could not identify.
On 18 July 1998 I passed Frankfurt on the motorway and I saw 1x C-17 departing and 3x C-5A/B - grey c/s on the ramp.
Can anyone provide me with these missing serials?
I did some research in old FRA/RheinMain-movements(reports in Scramble) but these were never reported...
Thanks in advance,