BIG thanks to the following people: My Dad, firstly, for everything he did for me in the 11 days we were down! A good friend Al (swingy) for his company throughout the FRIAT week, Lee Hathaway for good company, banter and for making Rhymes Farm a possibility once again this year I'd also like to thank everyone involved in the manpowering of RIAT, it was a superb show and everyone was extremely friendly.
And now, back to the aviation and the photos..
First up is Wednesday, where the weather started dark with some sunny spots but not many. The winds were quite harsh though and they did seem very 09 at points..
1. One of the first few arrivals was this C-130H from the Omani Air Force (the Jordanian and Saudi also arrived around this time so it was a bit of a Herc-fest initally!)

DSC_8545 by, on Flickr
After the AG51 tiger German Tornado did a run 'n' break on 27, then a low approach/fast pass on 09 but pulled up too early and then landed on 09 - so didn't really get any good shots of it coming in.. And the Turkish F-16s arrived in dark conditions, as did the Saudi Hawk team!
2. Then these beauties pitched up, giving the crowd a go around each as they came in - I noticed the tower asked as many aircraft to do as possible which was excellent to see! Big well done on that.

DSC_8777 by, on Flickr
3. And if you thought this one German tiger - luckily in brighter conditions as the sun tried to appear - was good enough..

Luftwaffe tiger.. by, on Flickr
4. ..then you were wrong, as this absolute beauty queen strolled in (I really wanted to get this one aswell.)

Beautiful German Tornado from Jbg32 by, on Flickr
5. After the French Mirage 2000 arriving we went back to the pan to see the German Tiger crew being welcomed by 'Bengie the Bengal'..

Tiger hug! by, on Flickr
6. Fairford: With the beer, the tiger and the jet! Where else would you want to be on a Wednesday?!

German crew being welcomed.. by, on Flickr
7. Then snapped a few of the French Mirage 2000, which I have to say wasn't really as tigery as I hoped! Apart from the underside, which you couldn't really see! But kudos to them for pulling the strings to get it present at the show!

French 'Tiger 50th' Mirage 2000 by, on Flickr
8. The A-10 did an extremely spirited rehearsal, I was amazed by it! It did seem to tone down after every display unfortunately but it was impressive every time! I did enjoy watching all the post-demo patriotic going-ons!

A-10 demo team by, on Flickr
9. They just look so cool.

The mighty hog by, on Flickr
And that was Wednesday, a rather excellent day with some superb arrivals and wonderful access. Met some lovely volunteers who made me feel more than welcome with their conversation - you guys know who you are!
And we moved onto Thursday which started with a beautiful expanse of blue filling the sky and busy schedule for the morning. And one of the first being the BAe Systems Typhoon doing a rehearsal..
10. Eager snappers..

Under rain of camera fire by, on Flickr
11. Another rehearsal was the Turkish F-16 which was absolutely outstanding, it was a long display which you would think would be a bad thing. But it was constantly intense and a joy to watch - you'd think they'd been displaying them for years?!

Turkish F-16 by, on Flickr
12. With a lot of the action being arrivals I've left quite a lot of the action out for the moment, but there was a big bonus to Thursday - the FRIAT evening walk, an excellent new idea in my eyes! As you can see, a lot of people went on it!

FRIAT evening walk by, on Flickr
13. The disappointment of the Ukranian Su-27 arriving in cloud was more than made up for by the opportunity!

Ukranians! by, on Flickr
14. A gorgeous Belgian F-16, one of my favourite schemes!

Belgian Tiger F-16 by, on Flickr
15. A rarer Mirage 2000N, I don't really like the Mirage 2000D so I was glad to get one of these instead!

Nuclear Mirage.. by, on Flickr
16. What a beauty.

Flanker face-off by, on Flickr
17. After the majority of the static had been covered, the sun went away providing some dramatic skies!

Shapes against the skyline by, on Flickr
18. Dramatic skies for the Patruilla Aguilla's only time display.

Looping through the cloud.. by, on Flickr
A wonderful way to end a superb day! Hopefully that will be on the agenda next year too.
And then came Friday.

Saudi Hawks by, on Flickr
20. After another stunning rehearsal, we got up close for it taxi-ing back to its parking spot.

Up close and personal by, on Flickr
21. P-3 flyers..

Swish Swiss.. by, on Flickr
22. Then it was down to the other end for the Vulcan's arrival, but before it arrived the A-10 did another rehearsal and I was in a superb place for it!

Warthog topside by, on Flickr
23. The Swedish guys loved this! They were all over it when it was towed near their Gripens, and one guy I was talking to was telling me all about the Swedish Historic Flight which really are superb!

The big V by, on Flickr
24. Belgian Thunderbirds..

'Red devils' by, on Flickr
25. After losing the A-400, I was more than happy with the C295AEW as consolation!

CASA C295AEW by, on Flickr
26. The Norwegian Vampire crews were more than happy for me to have a look and sit in the cockpit, and I got a photo of me inside - so this is me, inside the Vampire!

Me in the Vampire! by, on Flickr
Saturday morning was grim, grim, grim! At best. So me and Lee at Rhymes just sat in the car, but after 12 it cleared and flying got underway with the Dutch Apache, Swedish Gripen, and then this guy!

Danish F-16 by, on Flickr
28. Our Apache was superb aswell!

Apache! by, on Flickr

Opposition pass by, on Flickr

My home team by, on Flickr
31. Fantastic Freece got some superb light during their display!

Freece Tricolore! by, on Flickr
32. Closing the show with the best weather of the weekend were the Breitling teams.. Hmm.

Wingwalker.. by, on Flickr
33. Departing after the display though was this guy!

C-17 away home for the night by, on Flickr
Then Sunday, which also started off grim but got a bit better with some sunny spells but generally quite overcast.
34. The Italians were just ace though!

Superb Spartan! by, on Flickr

Italian Tornado by, on Flickr
36. As was the Turkish F-16, best of the four F-16s in my eyes!

Solo Turk by, on Flickr
37. Attempting to de-clutter a photo for fun..

T-6 Texan by, on Flickr
38. Queues for the Ukranians were massive all weekend!

Popular Ukranian by, on Flickr
And now comes Monday, which wasn't too bad weather-wise and we got some stunning departures!

Rafale off home! by, on Flickr
40. This guy was just ace!

Spirited tiger by, on Flickr
41. Goodbye for now, plenty more to come.

AG51 Tornado by, on Flickr
Comments and criticism welcome!