The following was heard in and outbound Ramstein:
C-17A 92-3292 437AW arr Reach821
C-17A 01-0186 62AW arr Reach358
C-17A 03-3113 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach824
C-17A 03-3117 172AW/MS ANG arr Reach583
C-17A 05-5141 452AMW/AFRC dep Reach804
C-17A 05-5142 452AMW/AFRC arr Reach128
C-17A 07-7170 436AW arr Reach823
C-17A 07-7180 437AW arr Reach223
C-17A 08-8200 305AMW dep Reach556
C-17A 09-9211 62AW dep Reach288
C-21A 84-0083 76AS dep/arr Evac10E2
C-21A 84-0085 76AS dep/arr Jalop16
C-37A 99-0402 76AS dep Fendy10
C-130J-30 08-8602/RS 37AS dep Lion466
C-130J-30 08-8606/RS 37AS dep/arr/dep Herky605
C-130J-30 08-8607/RS 37AS dep Herky750
KC-135R 62-3572 190ARW/KS ANG arr Reach338
More to update when there are new flying activities.
Serials are from SBS so needs confirmation.