Ran into this old log when I found an old serialbook.
Ramstein (ETAR) 27-06-1996 (early morning till evening)
Taken straight from the book:
C-21A 40082 7005ABS
F-4F 37+52 JG73
PC-7 L-03 EMVO
F-16B ET-210 Esk.726
C-130E 37887 37ALS/86AW
C-130E 40502 37ALS/86AW
C-130E 96566 37ALS/86AW
C-130H 40213/DE 142ALS/166AW
C-130H 00321/GA 158ALS
C-141B 60184 62AW
C-141B 50272 305AMW
C-141B 38076 (unit not written)
C-5A 00448 337ALS/439AW
C-5B 40061 436AW
C-5B nn
C-130H 61393 180ALS (Missouri ANG)
UC-12M 3837 8G
C-9A 22585 375AW
C-9A 10876 SHAPE
C-21A 40112 76ALS/86AW
L-100-30 N923SJ Southern Air Transport
+ a lot of tails @ the ramps but unfortunately I didn't have a look at the fence back then.
Corrections and hopefully additions are always welcome.
@ moderator: hope this is @ the right forum...
regards, Per