Moderator: Jaap
Post all airshow-related items here. Please keep the postings as informative and to-the-point as possible. Refrain from postings with the sole intention to communicate whether you like the show or not, unless accompanied by arguments that can help others. | ... ode1=01-04Shannon spotter wrote:According to this: ... &start=275
Back eagles for RIAT?!
Space Challenge 본선 5.19 공군사관학교(청주) 공 개 Display
해운대 모래축제 6.2 해운대 해수욕장 공 개 Display
강원도민 생활체육대회 6.11 철원종합운동장 공 개 Fly-by
제128기 사관후보생 임관식 6.30 공군 교육사령부 제 한 Display
Royal International Air Tattoo 7.7~7.8 영국 Fairford 공군기지 추후결정 Display
Farnborough Airshow 7.9~7.15 영국 Farnborough 추후결정 Display
경포 여름 바다 예술제 7.24 경포 해수욕장 공 개 Display
만세보령문화제 9.22 보령종합경기장 공 개 Display
국군의 날 10. 1 계룡대 제 한 Display
계룡 군문화축전 10.10 계룡대 비상활주로 공 개 Display
포뮬러원 그랑프리 10.13 전남 영암 서킷 공 개
(입장권) Display
Accordin to the RJAF website:aviodromefriend wrote:Have the Falcons increased there number of aircraft, or do they bring a spare?
New participant: RAF Hawk flying. Source:
Get out of your beds and answer me this:
Why would you want to invite to your party this British comedian who first made a name for himself in the 1970s? And for the same reason, the members of this post-punk band who share their surnames with 'a Tony', ' a pirate', 'a copper' and 'a minor'?
Got it yet?
Sounds like what Marie Curie, Joan of Arc and Brigitte Bardot would all be called in Paris . . .!
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