One think that always troubled me a little bit, was the mention in many cases of
all the planes/helicopters of one kind, active
and preserved/stored/etc.
But, I think, for this kind of information, we have EMOOS
Otherwise, it is not clear, how many items are still active.
I would say, let the active and stored in the SMS, but not the permanently preserved/instructional/destroyed/etc.
I know, that again, it would not be ideal but maybe it´s better to separate the SMS more from the EMOOS.
I hope, you understand what I mean with my bad English
Something else, in some countries, I believe, you are mentioning the Police/Border Guard/etc. and in some not. I suppose, that is because of the big amount of work to do so and keep the database updated. Am I right? Maybe, they should be all in or not?
By the way, the idea to include the Orbat and the old serials, was very good
Third, how about the idea to include planes all of us see every year frequently in Europe, but are from no-European countries? That could be for example, Middle Eastern Hercules (Jordan, Oman, Kuweit, etc.) or Orion´s (USN, Canada, New Zealand, etc.). Or, the Brazilian VIP fleet (B707, B737, Embraer´s). This kind of planes. The idea to include the Singapore Skyhawk´s was in this direction great!