28-01-2013 08.00-10.30
AS532UL T-337
EC635P2 T-353
F-5E J-3069
F-5F J-3212
F/A-18C J-5002, J-5018, J-5023
F/A-18D J-5232, J-5238
NCPC-7 A-934
PC-6/B2H2 V-620, V-635
Unfortenatly no flying this morning, perhaps due to eveningflying this day.
The F-5's and F/A-18's were read in the hangar at the eastside of the field.
30-01-2013 13.00-14.00
AS332M1 T-312
AS532UL T-332, T-337, T-340
EC135P2 T-352
EC635P2 T-353, T-357, T-368
F/A-18C J-5001, J-5005, J-5023
F/A-18D J-5232
NCPC-7 A-929
F/A-18's were flying with callsign Hawk and Viper, AS532UL T-340 only made two approaches.