Scannerlog woensdag 15 mei 2013 > runway 23, lefthand circuit-Q999
Visitors: (in sequence)
DHHJS Robinson R44 Raven II S.P.Luftbild GmbH (VFR from Teuge for landing and refuelling) 2x geweest. De tweede keer VFR vanaf Rotterdam. Remain Overnight.
PHRPI Cessna 182R KLPD Dienst Luchtvaart Politie (local flights)
PHSAC * (PA-28R-201, VFR Teuge / Teuge for one touch and go)
PHOTO Schweizer 269C Rotavisie bv (VFR from Kootwijkerbroek) + local flight
OEKPW (Cessna 172S)
Lokale choppers aktief: PHATT, PHHHK, PHRWX (returning from Midden Zeeland), PHHHB, PHCVW, PHHHA, PHECD (returning from Seppe), PHECR, PHHCA.
De KLPD Cessna 182R PHRPI lijkt momenteel vanaf Lelystad Airport te opereren..