D-CNUE Lear Jet 60 Flight Ambulance International IFA3296 arr approx.17.55 dep 16th/06.53
VH-ICV BD-700 Execujet Australia arr appprox.02.10 from YSSY dep 16th/21.11 to YSSY
9M-NAA A319-115X(CJ) Royal Malaysian Government PIR1 arr approx.20.00 dep 19th/20.26
NIIIZN Hawker 850XP Ex Zentih Insurance Co arr approx.17.45 from WMSA on delivery to AC Jets here,N111ZN now cancelled from the FAA register
N620JH G-IV Zoins Credit Corp arr approx.16.20 dep 19th/12.19
VP-CLY BD-700 TAG Aviation(Asia) TBJ23 arr approx.10.45 dep 11.59
N282Q G550 GE Management Co LLC arrival details not known dep 10.14
EI-EYG A320-232 Kingfisher Airlines colors arr approx.11.00
EY-777 B737-8GJ Somon Air SMR001 arr approx.14.00 dep 18th/13.24
B-KTL BD-700 TAG Aviation(Asia) TBJ27 2 visits during the day
B-KTS Cessna 680 arrived approx.14.45 dep 20th/07.35
B-LRW BD-700 TAG Aviation(Asia) TBJ07 arrived approx.13.40 dep 15.22
CS-GLB BD-700 NetJetsTtransportes Aereos NJE925B arrived approx.15.06 dep 15.06
N919PE G550 arrived approx.07.00
B-LRW BD-700 TAG Aviation(Asia) TBJ07 arrived approx.20.15 dep 24th/16.05
D-CSLT Lear jet 60 FAI rent-a-jet IFA3308 arrived approx.20.40 dep 24th/13.40
N551VL G550 arrival details not known dep 14.31
B-LSC CL-605 TAG Aviation(Asia) TBJ08 arr approx.07.50 dep 09.10
B-MAZ Falcon 2000EX Macau Jet International arrival details not known dep 11.52
N285AL B737-4YO arrived approx.14.30 (from RJNK)? delivered to City Airways and is now HS-GTC
B-LWX G450 TAG Aviation(Asia) TBJ28 arrival details not known dep 13.12
EY-555 B737-3Y5 Somon Air arrival details not known dep 20.26
N688LS G450 Las Vegas Sands Corp arr approx.18.45