That is the one from last year, which gives me a fine opportunity to point out that English (or what goes through for it ) is required here!Hurricane wrote:Direct is -> hier!Nielis wrote:kan ik die miljoenennota ergens online vinden?
Not really, there will be fighters however not as much as you would expect. There will be UAVs and F-16s for some years to come.Richard from Rotterdam wrote:So in essence this means that Leeuwarden will become a sleeping airbase like Deelen used to be?
Initial planning was exit of 1 August however as some flight to MeS had to be done (and civil charters where way to expensive) this axing was delayed with four months.Richard from Rotterdam wrote:One more thing, I thought the G4 was already supposed to have made its last operational flight for the RNLAF last month. Obviously it is still in use. People with some knowledge of the bizjet market predict there won't be much interest in the V-11 on the civilian market as it is one of the oldest G4s built.
That is going to be interesting indeed, Belgium already declined previous attempts of joining the 15 Wing and 334/336sq however we (as Dutch can be) remain determined to succeed. On the Air to Air Refuelling programme we already participate in a project to explore future needs and demands with the RAF, GAF, AdlA.Richard from Rotterdam wrote:One more very interesting development is that by 2020 the RNLAF wants to fully integrate the Dutch airlift capacity (C-130, KDC-10) into a joint NATO fleet under the umbrella of the European Air Transport Command, as its own capacity is too small to operate independently... No idea how this will work out, but my best guess is that they will be time-shared with the other EATC countries, possibly at a base outside Holland.
Given the timeline 2020-2023 this aligns with the disposal period of the KDC-10 so I think our studies will also involve a new type of airplane to keep up with other Air Forces around us. Your right that the A400M will be a strong asset in the future (with Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Spain as users) however this is large scale transport, for the sector below the A400M the C-130 remains a strong asset and out Dutch frames can keep up with the demands. I believe it is very possible that in our new replacement we look beyond our bordersehusmann wrote:If we want to combine transport and tanker capacity in Europe (good idea by the way), w'll probably have to replace some of our assets. The KDC-10's aren't really in line with other countries assets (soon to be almost exclusively Airbusses). Nor are the handful of our ancient Hercs very much compatible with the Future A400 and C-17 fleets. Wonder how that is going to pan out. Replace the whole fleet in a few years time?
That is why we have EATC (based at Eindhoven).ehusmann wrote:If we want to combine transport and tanker capacity in Europe (good idea by the way),
I still think it is strange to keer 2 mob's open, in the future we will have 37 F35's.aviodromefriend wrote:The agreement reached to pass the budget through BOTH houses has (amongst others) for our hobby the following most important implications:
- A Chinook simulator will be bought
- Leeuwarden will remain a MOB
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