D-CHIC EMB-505 Vibro Air AHO338Z arr 10.50
N141QS BD-700 NetJets Inc arr 11.14 From EGGW dep 12.29 to KTEB
N288Z BD-700 arr 08.31 from KJAX dep 21st/11.57 to KTEB
N410M G550 Ripplewood Aviation LLC EJM410 arr 10.06 dep 15th/08.24
N531QS G550 NetJets Inc arr 19.02 from KTEB dep 17th/10.20 to EGLF
N719SH Falcon 900EX South Pointe Services LLC arr 14.24
N822WW Falcon 900EX Ambleur LLC EJM401 arr 09.53 from KPBI dep 15th/10.55
OE-IND CL-605 VistaJet VJS428 arr 12.17 dep 13.18 and returned at 17.02 dep 15th/08.29 as VJS825
OE-INY CL-605 VistaJet VJS436 arr 12.58
VQ-BGN G550 arr 12.27 from LFMN dep 13.22
VQ-BMT G-IV arr 15.34 dep 15th/17.06
YR-DIP CL-604 Eurojet Romania arr 15.38